The Solar Path

Empowerment & Universal Love

Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan feathered Serpent Goddess Nature Spirit Mother Earth Pachamama Priestess Princess of Nature Ñustas Karpay Creativity Sound Healing Dance Sacred Embodiment Archetype Storytelling Nymph Mermaid Dragons Awakening Spirituality

Become Quetzalcoatl - the shining one

The solar path is the ascending feathered serpent rising in consciousness and becoming visible in one´s unique self-expression blessed by the sun. It’s the power of pure light and love. Open your rainbow wings to fly into your new becoming. By understanding your unique soul blueprint, you can consciously plant that light seed and bring it consciously into your work. It´s the great work with the Master Plant Cacao and being connected to Nature. It´s the Path of the Keeper of Life as sacred.

The solar path helps to strengthen who we are by expressing what is within us through art and spirituality. Through creative expression and spiritual practices, you will strengthen your self-determination, your sovereignty and empower yourself to walk the path of universal love and empowerment.

Receive seven beautiful initiations to connect with your primordial feminine power. With each initiation, you will journey deeper into inner healing, unlock your creativity and become a pillar of light.


Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan feathered Serpent Goddess Nature Spirit Mother Earth Pachamama Priestess Princess of Nature Ñustas Karpay Creativity Sound Healing Dance Sacred Embodiment Archetype Storytelling Nymph Mermaid Dragons Awakening Spirituality

Temple of Ceremony

Cacao ceremonies have actually been around for thousands of years, originating all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions in Central and South America, used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance.

The cacao ceremony is a way to connect with your being and with your spiritual guides on an energetically Level.

It is a way to travel into the energetic world where you can release so much accumulated energy, and you can open up to receive so much energy from mother earth and the cacao Spirit.

During a ceremony, the intention is to reconnect with unity, the feeling of being interconnected with nature and everything around you.

The prophetic Mayan calendar it functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness and records how spiritual time flows

𓂀 Connect to the Mayan Wisdom

𓂀 Learn How to Work with the Energy of the Day according to the Mayan Calendar

𓂀 Work with Cacao as the Grandmother Spirit

𓂀 Connect to the Unified Field of Consciousness

𓂀 Learn How to Hold Space for Others

𓂀 Become a Mistress/Master of Ceremonies

𓂀 Embark on the Path of Right Action & love interconnected with the harmony of nature.

Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan feathered Serpent Goddess Nature Spirit Mother Earth Pachamama Priestess Princess of Nature Ñustas Karpay Creativity Sound Healing Dance Sacred Embodiment Archetype Storytelling Nymph Mermaid Dragons Awakening Spirituality

Temple of Creativity

Express your creative and artistic talents through spiritual practices.

𓆃 Archetype Work

𓆃 Ritual Theatre

𓆃 Learn Medicine Songs as a Powerful Healing Tool

𓆃 Awake your Higher Consciousness

𓆃 Become Quetzalcoatl - the Feathered Serpent

𓆃 Leaf & Stone Reading

𓆃 Receive the Blessing of the Sun and Access the Solar Codes

𓆃 Creation of Sacred Altars & become a Map Maker

Temple of Ñustas

The Nustas Karpay are initiations from the Inca tradition. The essence of these initiations is to activate and strengthen the contact with the primordial feminine force.

Ñusta means goddess or princess and Karpay means initiation or opening.

During the initiations, the feminine potential that can be „dormant“ in each of us, is reactivated through the chakras. These connections through the chakras provide a greater connection with Mother Earth, Pachamama, so that one can easily open up to what is. It is a consciousness connected to the wise power and strength of the feminine and the web of life.

❂ Mama Ocllo - Earth Goddess -  Opening of chakras and capacity of self-healing

❂ Doña Mujia- Water Goddess - Letting go of stuck emotions and softening

❂ Mama Goddess of Sacred Site - Connecting to your soul family

❂ Mama Simona - Goddess of Love - Opening of the heart chamber and receiving blessings

❂ Mama Theresa - Wind Goddess - Activating power and expressing your authentic self

❂ Marai Sakapana - Seer Goddess - Strengthening your visionary power

❂ Huana Huaman Tiklla - Creatrix Goddess - Rising into your freedom of soul flight


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