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Communing with the sacred - shamanic Masterclass, Tarot & Archetype Work

Communing with the sacred - shamanic Masterclass, Tarot & Archetype Work

Friday 28.06. 6 pm - Sunday 30. June 4 pm

Yogalila, Rykestr. 37 - Prenzlauer Berg

We consciously step into the world of gods/goddesses and archetypes.
Together we will broaden our view and our perception and experience what it means to live our life from the place of the mythical. The mythical, the place of the invisible forces of the universe, the gods, the archetypes. The place without words and with infinite power.
Archeytpes are universal principles that manifest themselves through us. Most of the time they want to
communicate something important to us or to society. But if we do not hear this message, the archetype disappears into the shadows and into our subconscious where it can cause chaos in our lives. We will find out which archetype is stuck on the personal and on the collective level and we will bring the energies back into harmony through ceremony.
The more we know the archetypes, the more we can understand our intuition and thus come into harmony. We find out which archetypes are important for us to meet our essence - our true being.

Contents of the workshop:
* Archetype Representation
* Reading the Signs and messages of the Archetypes
* create Altars and ceremonies to honor the Archetypes, Gods and Goddesses
* The 3-card story (Tracking Tool)
* the Jaguar Shaman & Priestess Temple
* Sacred Embodiment
* Altars and ceremonies
* The Ring of Fire - transformational Journey through the Great Arkana


210,- Euro

reduced price: 180,- Euro

Early Bird until 01. June:

150,- Euro

This workshop is suitable for people who already have experience with shamanic work.
Bring a Wand or a crystal that you can use as a wand, comfortable cloths, snacks, water, flowers and sacred items for the altar

May 31

Blue Lotus Ceremony & the thousand petals of Nefertum